Lionel Model Trainby Lynn E. Garn, Ph.D. |
These pages show my Lionel model train layout and some of the locomotives that I have to run on it. In mid-summer, 2015, I came across a large box in my basement with a couple of locomotives and cars from the Lionel model train I had when I was a kid in the 1950's. The locomotives still worked. So I decided to create a new layout. In the process I upgraded to Lionel's new Legacy control system that allows remote control. I also purchased more modern locomotives that work with the Legacy control system. The locomotives shown in the picture below are new "Legacy" versions. But I still have and can run my old locomotives in conventional mode. Most of the train components, track, scenery, and products to make the scenery were purchased at Toy Trains and Collectibles in Manassas, Virginia. They're a great train store with very helpful and knowledgeable owners and staff. The theme of the layout is a logging theme because the area where I grew up near Cadillac, Michigan, has an extensive logging history. In addition, both of my grandfathers were lumberjacks; I have pictures of both in logging camps. The other reason the layout has a logging theme is because I discovered that Lionel made a Shay steam locomotive and I had to buy one because Ephraim Shay invented it less than two miles from where I grew up. Of course, his invention predated my presence in the area by around 70 years. Note the transformer with the orange tops on the power handles. I bought it when I was a kid. After
Dan at Toy Trains and Collectables replaced a badly dry-rotted power cord, it worked great. The picture
below shows the finished layout. Below the picture you will find links to videos of the layout and trains
running on it. After the videos you will find links to pictures that show the work-in-progress and details
of some of the finished regions.
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